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About HuHub

High Quality Efficient Living

HuHub (pronounced as “Who-Hub”) Humanitarian Software is a technological concept designed to be a part of the new era of socio-political and economic change. This emerging marketing era regards sustainability as part of profits. Science is now confirming the need for such a software. “Sustainability is more what we call an emergent feature of whole systems. It is not so much about the parts, as how the parts work together, to enable effective overall outcomes," (Systems Innovation, 2019). HuHub Humanitarian Software concept is an evolving decision-making network, using the internet and current hardware, to behave as a socio-economic-technological conversion method that will be especially useful during the coming need for industry conversion towards sustainability. HuHub Humanitarian Software concept is formulated to bring efficiency to all systems worldwide, for optimal sustainability.

About HuHub

Who is Hu?

Hu is You in your Hub! Within HuHub, We the People make up a decision-making network using the internet and with current technology to employ a social-technological conversion method for future sustainability of humanity and Earth.

What is HuHub?

HuHub is the software of our future, compiled and revealed as a unifying humanitarian, scientific, and technological concept, complete with the ingredients for growth, scalability and perpetual user integration. Ideas expressed within these examples are formulated to be a viable reality quickly, if introduced as a new social media, for example.


HuHub Humanitarian Software will be a software company that seeks to provide solutions to global crises and aid industry transition into the era of sustainability. We want and envision a very viable, doable, and BEAUTIFUL future. We do NOT want to see an apocalyptic one. We CAN build the technology that targets and generates solutions for Key Crisis issues, such as: migrations and future mass migrations, due to climate changes, war, and bad governments; massive transition of industry and jobs; increased automation & robotics, which are decreasing jobs; and, accommodate for increases in human population.


What does HuHub mean to the average user?

Essentially, HuHub is made with three main parts: people, the internet, and statistics aided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. To the users, HuHub will be a sticky-site (also defined as a popular website) offering free membership to all users for the purposes of advertising, employment, entertainment, shopping, voting, winning awards, merits, and more. HuHub’s users are a part of a decision-making network that utilizes current web technology and other emerging IoT devices (which means the “Internet of Things” or devices that work with the internet). When HuHub receives information, the input goes into AI-assisted statistical data programs, in order to sort through big data and deliver intelligent computational decisions, plans, and distribution methods. This is the way that HuHub will calculate and produce efficiency standards, models, procedures, and instructions as needed to correct our local-to-global systems towards sustainability. This process is otherwise known as: “Run it through HuHub: Social Scientific Data on Demand,” which leads us into HuHub’s Ethics!!!

What HuHub means to the average user

What does the name HuHub mean?

HuHub’s ethics are contained in the name HuHub itself. HuHub is designed to be a healing software, from both a programming perspective to a natural world environment.
The name HuHub can be broken down into its parts and defined as:

  • a virtue, representing modesty and respect;
  • a positive trait of moral excellence; and
  • a principle or foundation of good and moral being.

HuHub is the opposite of a bad habit through ignorance or a vice. HuHub offers the wisest most viable options and choices to the users, although the users are free to choose. HuHub's hidden hierarchy meaning is Humility. HuHub is truly a potential engine for good.

HuHub Humanitarian Software concept is designed on ethical principles to act as an ethical business model. HuHub Humanitarian Software concept is formulated to be an ethical way for people to use technology as leaders of our world changes.

Where is HuHub?

HuHub can be everywhere, eventually. HuHub embeds into its environment, whether that is in a smart car or smart home or using cell phone, computer, laptop, or IoT device. HuHub Humanitarian Software concept will be increasingly applicable in the future.


HuHub’s motto and marketing position is Where One Click Can Save the World!

This phrase is a consistent, clear, and compelling message, which describes the users’ role and sums up HuHub’s intent in one short actionable statement. The slogan describes several things. The statement first addresses “where” the user is within a technical environment of HuHub. The word “can” is very important to HuHub, because it means choice, which is one of the principles of HuHub. And the last phrase, “Save the World”, states the goals, missions, and actions within HuHub systems. It is meant to be translated as an all-inclusive and absolute statement. HuHub Humanitarian Software concept is formulated to be an ethical way for people to use technology as leaders of our world.

When will HuHub be available?

IMPORTANT! This is time sensitive information, which is why we are sharing these valuable ideas to the public, in efforts to build this software with or without large initial funding.

Other than the software engineers and computer programmers, HuHub Humanitarian Software could be made available with current industry standard hardware, and statistically based AI. Also, HuHub will require and operate with a new compression and cybersecurity programming method, which will remain, for now, proprietary. This is a timely and scalable technology. We see this is the way that human society and technology are progressively developing together already. Now is the time to build HuHub efficiently and with an emphasis on moral intent.

timely issue

How does HuHub function?

HuHub focuses on and incorporates both intrinsic and extrinsic systems based on the local level to the global level and always looping back to the local environment. HuHub’s overall objective is to offer optimized solutions maximized for super-efficiency, provide real-time, systems-wide updates and elevate world standards everywhere. HuHub functions as a decision-making network, by merging people and statistical AI to create real-time authentic solutions for sustainability. Combining users, internet content, simulation software, and implementation software, the HuHub core engine will be made to supply the predictability of the most optimal procedures that self-gathers information, user input, world feedback, and real-time statistical data. It is a system of looping to continually make available decisions about how to auto-connect, and then integrate with new sources. Each new entry into this evolving system changes the whole, adapting and accommodating for all input, and constantly checking for updates, in order to generate upgrades throughout effected HuHub systems, or communicate with related outside agencies, as necessary.

decision making network

Why HuHub?

For future Sustainability of Humanity and Earth.

HuHub Humanitarian Software will be made to identify critical needs, problem-solve world problems, and produce sustainable solutions and communications between agencies and people. Other main issues that HuHub directly aims to resolve are wealth inequality, the need for free public education, and the need for a new logical and technologically updated eGoverning system that can eventually merge into functioning public governments from the local to global levels, in that order. HuHub is designed to govern both intrinsic and extrinsic systems based on the local level to the global level, always looping back to the local environment.

Why HuHub

HuHub will be a system where everyone matters. Among other goals, HuHub is meant to work as a wealth redistribution method, which is a system that balances economic systems through redistribution of wealth. HuHub is not meant to be a disruptive technology per se; rather, the HuHub method is able to politely blend into a capitalist economic system without overstepping greedy monopolies or established governments. We believe HuHub can continue to work within a monetary system, well into the far future, until money is no longer needed or used.

In 2015, Stephen Hawking, former theoretical physicist, warned, “If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.”

SOURCE: "Science AMA Series: Stephen Hawking AMA Answers!", (8 October 2015); also quoted in "Stephen Hawking Says We Should Really Be Scared Of Capitalism, Not Robots" Huffington Post (8 October 2015).


Help the World and GET PAID !!!

What makes HuHub Humanitarian Software a place where everyone wants to be?

From a HuHub user’s perspective, HuHub will be an attractive and free website with lots to do and places to explore, in so much, that it will be built to help people throughout their everyday lives. In concept, HuHub is the only humanitarian software of its’ type. Plus, users can get paid merits, which are convertible into real money income, for simply participating in HuHub.

HuHub’s marketing focus and value must be based on people’s desire to help improve themselves and the environment around them. Marketing should focus on this emerging concept that “All profits are not created equal. ‘Those that carry a social benefit are better,’” according to Dan Ariely in 2014 in the March 4th edition of Real Value Economics Documentary.

HuHub’s system makes it possible for people to act in their environment to affect positive changes. So, the message is that participation in HuHub is good for people and the environment.

Help the World and Get Paid

Would you be interested in having fun and getting paid to improve your local town or city?

      • STEP 1: Join HuHub
      • STEP 2: Submit Idea
      • STEP 3: Gain Votes
      • STEP 4: Earn Merits

STEP ONE: HuHub is easy and free to join. The demographic environment for HuHub consists primarily of internet users of all ages, needs and likes. HuHub is an elaborate software concept that encompasses all parts of human lives, which surpasses any single demographic category. To appeal to a broad array of internet users, HuHub will feature a standardized website, which will have a design layout familiar to cell phone users. Once joined, each user immediately becomes a part of a growing decision-making network that seeks to create and implement sustainability into our local to global environments.

STEP TWO: Users can submit ideas for helping the world.

STEP THREE: After submitting useable information to HuHub, those ideas are, then, voted on by other users and evaluated with statistical analysis for its’ usefulness and efficiency.

STEP FOUR: During this process, HuHub users can attain merits as rewards, which can be accrued and transferred into real money profits.

Once fully implemented, HuHub will be a wonderful site to get paid and help the world!  HuHub will provide a method of wealth redistribution to lift people out of poverty and debt.  Massive, viral user participation is expected.


To summarize, HuHub Humanitarian Software Enterprise is a future software company that seeks to provide solutions to global crises and aid industry transition into the era of sustainability, utilizing a unique social-political-economic-technological conversion method, involving people, the internet, and the Internet of Things. HuHub Humanitarian Software will be made to identify critical needs, problem-solve world problems, and produce sustainable solutions and communications between agencies and people. Other main issues that HuHub directly aims to resolve are wealth inequality, the need for free public education, and the need for a new logical and technologically updated e-governing system that can eventually merge into functioning public-governments from the local to global levels, in that order.

This completes a very brief summary About HuHub.



YouTube: HuHub Software Concept Proposal (2016)
YouTube: HuHub and TomMacDonald (2021)


YouTube for HuHub Humanitarian Software Concept Proposal

"Intelligent Living" (Video mark: 32:17 min/sec)

YouTube Video of HuHub and Tom MacDonald

"Ask HuHub" (Video mark: 13:06 min/sec)


HuHub Social Media:
Social Justice Warriors (SJW) Nethood

Social Justice Warriors



(to be added)


Social & Scientific Data-on-Demand

Statistics of "Life on Earth: Before & After HuHub" information obtained and aggregated from local to global hubs (based on user's local GPS location, Zip Code, or local hub)


Political - Voting days (important election poll information), City meetings and announcements

Yard Sales, Church Bake Sales, etc.

Classifieds (local hub information, aggragrated from user setttings, preferences, and habits in HuHub)

Education - School closings, Parent-Teacher conference schedules, Sports events and game schedules

User-generated content, aggregated by user's local hub settings


HuHub Project Initiative: Job Hut


CHATTER BOX with Current DATE/TIME STAMPS on messages

Messages appear here for all Broadcasts, Clan/Guild/Friend lists, Local Business Advertisements, some emergency alerts, and other user subscriber channels



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Last Update: December 30, 2022 23:46


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HuHub Humanitarian Software & Gaming Environments © 2008~2023

The information, processes, and systems described constitute proprietary Intellectual Property protected by United States and International Copyright Law. Copyright © Brian D. Prater and Melissa R. Cody-Prater, 2008~2023. All rights reserved worldwide. For further information, contact the copyright owner at or Unauthorized use or transmittal in any form constitutes a serious violation of civil and criminal laws.

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